Meet… Spearing.
Baitfish for some or an insanely delicious snack for those in the know! If you like eating anchovies, sardines, or smelt, you will LOVE these. These little fish are incredibly clean and don't have the sandy insides that some other small baitfish have. This means you can fry up the entire fish (head and guts), and eat them!
Whole | Sold in 2 or 5 pound increments | Shipped fresh when weather permitting, otherwise frozen will be substituted
Should be consumed within 24 hours of delivery.

Tom Gariepy
Tom's story is unique. Instead of fishing for what everyone else considers to be staples on long island, he's spent his career focusing on more unique items. He targets everything from Razor clams and spearing, to Blue crab! He's spent his career trying to focus on underutilized markets, this way he can spend more time with his family and less time worrying about competition of selling his products to market.
Blue Point, NY
Spearing - Long Island
Blue Point, NY
Meet… Spearing.
Baitfish for some or an insanely delicious snack for those in the know! If you like eating anchovies, sardines, or smelt, you will LOVE these. These little fish are incredibly clean and don't have the sandy insides that some other small baitfish have. This means you can fry up the entire fish (head and guts), and eat them!
Whole | Sold in 2 or 5 pound increments | Shipped fresh when weather permitting, otherwise frozen will be substituted
Should be consumed within 24 hours of delivery.

Tom Gariepy
Tom's story is unique. Instead of fishing for what everyone else considers to be staples on long island, he's spent his career focusing on more unique items. He targets everything from Razor clams and spearing, to Blue crab! He's spent his career trying to focus on underutilized markets, this way he can spend more time with his family and less time worrying about competition of selling his products to market.
Blue Point, NY
Prepare & care